Re-Cycle IN 2024

Sustainable fashion, also called repurposed, consigned, or up-cycled fashion, is a trendy and eco-friendly option for your wardrobe. Recycling fashion items helps avoid 700 million pounds of usable items going to landfills annually.

At Sass, we're happy to help by reusing stylish clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry. People bring these items to us to earn money and prevent them from ending up in landfills. You can buy these items at our store for 60-90% less than the original prices.


Update Your Style for Spring 2024 with Affordable, Unique Pre-Owned Fashion
Refresh your wardrobe this spring with budget-friendly, distinctive pre-owned clothing and accessories. Not only will you stand out with a one-of-a-kind look, but you'll also save money and support environmental sustainability. Choosing consignment fashion helps reduce waste and promotes a positive influence on the planet.

Re-Style FOR 2024

Revamp your wardrobe on a budget at RESTYLING. Mix in pre-owned jewelry and stylish extras to elevate your trendy look. Snag your go-to brand jeans at a huge discount and personalize them with sparkles or tears to reflect your style. Second-hand shopping brings out your creativity, saves you money, and gives you a fresh and bold appearance.